Academic Information

Student Registration

  1. New Students:  may contact or come to WSB to register.
  2. Returning Students: may register either by mail or contacting the school.  Returning students are encouraged to pre-register during the current semester for the upcoming semester.
  3. New Student Orientation: All new students are required to attend orientation.  Orientation will acquaint the new student with our program.
  4. Register EARLY:  to assure that scheduled classes will remain open.  Classes with enrollment of 10 or less will be taken under consideration of the Academic Dean or Instructor.

Please Register As Early As Possible.

The earlier you register the better we can serve you.  Books must be ordered and classroom assignments made.  Some classes have been canceled because of low enrollment only to discover several late enrollments would have kept the class from being cancelled, had the students registered at the proper time.


A student, who has studied at Waldorf School of the Bible (WSB), but has been out of school for one year is required to update their application.  A student who has been out for more than two years, is required to complete a new application form, submit a letter of reference from his/her pastor, and supply other information requested by the School.

Class Cancellation

If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, you will be notified one week prior to class starting date.

Late Registration

Permission to register late must be obtained from the Academic Dean.  Students registering late will be assessed a late fee of $5.00.

Schedule Changes

All adjustments of academic schedules must be made in the WSB office with the approval of the Academic Dean.

  1. Adding Classes:  A student may add a course within the first two weeks of classes after the beginning of the semester.
  2. Dropping Classes:  Only students who have properly dropped a class are entitled to a refund, if eligible. (See Refund Policy).

Incomplete Classes

If a student is unable to complete the work in a course before the end of the semester due to illness or other pressing reasons, the student may request that the instructor issue an INC on their record.


A student who desires to withdraw MUST file a withdrawal statement with the WSB office.  Students who decide “just” to stop going to class, have not officially withdrawn.  The date on the form is the official date of withdrawal regardless of the date of last attendance.  Phone cancellations are not acceptable.  Please refer to the following:

  1. Withdrawal from a Class:  Students desiring to withdraw from a class must contact the Academic Dean.  Classes may be dropped with a grade of WP (withdrawn while passing) or WF (withdrawn while failing) through the last day of classes.
  2. Withdrawal from School:  Students who find it necessary to withdraw from school, must make arrangements in the Registrar’s Office.  See refund policy.

Changes in Personal Data

Students wishing to change personal data (name, address, etc.) contained in their school records should contact the Registrar’s Office to complete the appropriate forms.  Correct personal data is vital to the student’s record for mailing grades, registration, appointment notices and similar matters, students are urged to have their records updated when these changes occur.  Student records are kept securely and the information is regarded as confidential.

Class Attendance

Good Christian stewardship dictates that a student makes full use of the resources and opportunities to prepare for Christian service.  All classes should start on time.  Attendance for each class will be taken on a class roster.  The following symbols will be used to record attendance:

P = Present

A= Absent

T = Tardy

E = Excessive Absence

Absences Due to Emergencies

In the event of illness or other emergencies, the student should contact the Instructor or school.  When participating in authorized Church activity is required, a student should contact the instructor. No more than 2 excused absences per session.

Grading System

A (highest), B, C, and D (lowest acceptable for the completion of a single course), are the four permanent grades of the school.  A grade entry of W/D is made for all withdrawals after the sixth week of class.

A permanent grade of F (failure) is given for work which, in the opinion of the instructor, should be repeated in class.

The grade I (incomplete) is a temporary grade indicating that a student has a satisfactory record in work that has been completed and for some justifiable reason/s, satisfactory to the instructor of the class, was unable to complete the work of the subject.  Any student receiving this grade is given 30 days after the receipt of his semester grade report to complete the course requirements.  If incomplete is not removed within 30 days after receipt of the student’s semester report, it may be changed to an “F” at the instructor’s discretion.

An extension of time may be permitted for the removal of incomplete grades upon the recommendations of the instructor concerned and with the approval of the Academic Dean.


Progress reports are kept in the WSB office and are available to any student upon his/her personal request.  Examinations are graded by the Instructor and returned to the student, as evidence of progress in the course.  Records, which reflect that grade and credits earned to date, are issued to the students at the close of each semester.  After the last week of class grades will be posted outside WSB office.


Auditing students need not hand in papers or take tests.  Audited courses may not be changed to a credit course.  Grades will not be given, but attendance is required.  In order to get credit and a grade, a student must retake the course with full payment.  Repeating a course free is not acceptable when receiving and audit.  On the transcript, the word “Audit” will appear.  All cost remain the same.

Student Discipline Procedures

Periodically it becomes necessary to assist individual students in their adjustment to various academic, personal and spiritual expectations of WSB.  Discipline is an essential part of the development of the total person.  When correction and guidance becomes necessary, it should be done in a manner consistent with Biblical patterns taking into account the needs of both the individual and the Christian community.  Following this pattern, disciplinary action becomes redemptive and corrective rather than punitive in nature.  Structured after the teachings give to the Christian community in Matthew 18:15-17, discipline should take the following steps:

Step One:  In a spirit of love and concern that demonstrates that we are our “brother’s keeper,” individuals who appear to be out of step with the community expectations, should first be counseled by those aware of the problem.  This should be “one-to-one” sharing of concern that requires that love must always be the motivation for correction.

Step Two:  In the event that such counseling should prove unsatisfactory, those aware of the problem would make it known to the Academic Board.  The Board may include selected faculty advisors who will counsel with the student to seek a resolution of the problem.  The student will be advised in writing regarding the agreement reached.  The Academic Dean may make any of the following decisions:

  1. Dismissal of the charge
  2. Conduct Warning:  a written warning, placed in the student’s file, specifying unacceptable behavior and indicating what is expected.  The student will sign an agreement to live within the framework of the agreement.

Contact Form

Use this form for Certificate in Bible Ministry and Diploma in Christian Ministry program inquiries as well as for 'General Information' requests.